Sunday 16 May 2021

A 67 year old lady in the ICU with COVID induced Viral Pneumonia .

Introduction and expectation from this blog  :

1 .In this e-log I shall document about a 67 year old lady who presented with cough since 7 days , Fever since 6 days and present oxygen saturation of 85-88 percent on room air.

2. I shall also elaborate upon the course of her disease from before her presentation to the hospital till date.

3.Since it is an ongoing pandemic, where, till now studies are on about the order of events which are occuring in the disease and the time line is of great value,

I shall describe the progression of the disease under the heading of the respective "Day" on which the patient got the symptoms.

4.A note shall also be mentioned about the contact tracing regarding the source of the infection.

Note on De identification :

 All names and other identifiers have been removed to secure and respect the privacy of the patient and the family.


26 April 2021

 The domestic help at the patient's house was having mild fever .( came to the knowledge of the patient's family later )


The 67 year old developed dry cough .


She began having low grade fever ( 99 deg. Cel. ) with body ache, also she felt very weak and stayed in her bed all day long.

Nasopharyngeal swab sample given for RT PCR.

30th April 2021 to 3rd May 2021

RT PCR report : Positive 

High grade fever ( 102.5 deg. Cel. )

Loss of taste 

Loss of appetite.

Cough with sputum ( sputum white in colour, thick in consistency , non foul smelling )

Blood sample collected on 1st May 2021 for serum markers. 

Reports : 

D dimers : 326.15 nanogram/ml

CRP :25.63 mg/Lit
              LDH: 260 U/Lit                 

Spo2 when monitored at home (with the now-very-known oximeter) gave readings of 95 percent on room air in all these 4 days.
Patient has used paracetamol 650 mg in these days.

3rd May 2021 ( evening )

The patient's son took her to a fever clinic and got a HRCT chest done whereby the CT index was 12/25

CT report : 

3rd May 2021 ( night )

Oxygen Saturation kept falling and reached about 88 percent on r.a.

4th May 2021

Patient presented to Hospital

Admitted in the COVID ward.

Upon presentation ,she had Spo2 of 85 percent on room air .


PR 80 bpm, 

BP 110/80mm hg 

RR : 22 cpm

Body Temperature : Febrile

GRBS 130 mg/dl 

SpO2 85% with r.a

Other existing pathologies in the patient :

Hypothyroidism since the last 20 years and is on Levo thyroxine supplements

She is also a known case of hypertension for the past 20 years and takes antihypertensives.

Central Obesity present.


Interventions done :

O2 inhalation 

15 litres/minute ( wherein Spo2 rose to 90% )

On presentation : Inj. Dexamethasone 8 mg 

Injection  clexane 40 mg ( subcutaneous )

Hrct done.

Other interventions,

Tab. Pcm

Tab pantop 

Tab. Eltroxin 75mg of

Tab. Olmesartan 40mg od

Tab. Met xl 12.5mg of

Tab. Clinidipine 10mg od

Nebulization with duolin and budecort 

Tab. Ecosprin 75mg of

Tab. Atorvas 

Inj. Clexane 40mg od

Inj.Dexamethasone 8mg od

( Timeline Continued )

6th may 2021

Modification of O2 delivery : Reduced to 10 litres per minute 

whereby her Spo2 was maintaining at 94 percent.

Other medications continuing as before.

10th May 2021

Spo2 maintained at 93 percent at 10 litres per minute.

The patient spoke irrelevantly to her attending doctor , called her son at midnight complaining of somebody waiting near her bed to kill her or take her away by morning.

( C.C. televisions were checked that there was nobody of such description at that time of the night )

11th May 2021

Patient hypersomnolent.

Appears more like a stupor.

Still talks irrelevant.

PR 76

SpO2 95% with 10lit of O2 

Spo2 80% at room air

Psychiatry referral taken in view of ICU psychosis.


Sample taken on (6/5/2021)

Crp: 4.8ng/ml

Ddimer :420ng/ml

Hb: 12.2gm%

Platelet count : 1.5lakh/mm3

Sample taken on (9/5/2021) 

Crp: 4.8mg/dl

Ddimer :420ng/ml

Plt count :3.10 lakhs/cumm

Medications added after the Psychiatry Consult :

Tab. Piracetam 400mg od

Syp.Resperidone 0.25ml HS

Other medications continued as before.

Attempts made to reduce flow rate of oxygen delivery based on improvement.

16th MAY 2021

She is maintaining Spo2 of 95 % at flow rate of 6 litres per minute.

Medications being administered :

Tab. Pcm

Tab pantop 

Tab. Eltroxin 75micrograms OD

Tab. Olmesartan 40mg od

Tab. Met xl 12.5mg of

Tab. Cilnidipine 10mg od

Nebulization duolin and budecort 

Tab. Ecosprin 75mg of

Tab. Atorvas 10mg

Tab. Piracitam 400mg od

Syp.Resperidone 0.25ml HS

Inj. Clexane 40mg od

Dexamethasone 8mg od

An Oxygen Concentrator which was tested on 16/05/21 on the patient ( planned to support patient with this equipment at home after her discharge )

Rationale of using Piracetam in this patient :

Piracetam , under pharmacological classification falls under Nootropics with properties of  memory and cognitive enhancement .

It is said to improve mood and motivate the mind.

Being a derivative of Gamma aminobutyric acid , it modulates neurotramission in a range of transmitter systems ( proportion of GABAergic and cholinergic tranmission )

It has neuroprotective and anticonvulsant properties

It enhances neuroplasticity

Reference Reading :

Concerned Reports and Cross Consultations :

Notes by the Department of Psychiatry :



General Physical Examination


67 year old Lady

Known Case of : Hypertension , Hypothyroidism ( under medication for both)

Central Obesity.

Viral Pneumonia Secondary to COVID

Probably suffering from ICU Psychosis.


This case was posted ( after adequate de-identification ) on online portals which led to a discussion about the same . A section of it has been shared below-

(GM : Group Member )

 Moderator: The 67F was having hypersomnolence in the day time during yesterday's morning rounds. 

Later her attender told me she had phoned them at 3:00 AM yesterday complaining that there was a man here who was threatening to take her away by morning. We checked the CCTV footage during that time yesterday and didn't find anyone near her bed except she did appear to wake up sometime around that time and was on the phone. 

I later realized she was talking a bit irrelevantly when I met her yesterday when i assumed was in her sleep like stupor. 

What do you think is happening to her in terms of differential diagnosis of a woman with covid pneumonia and sudden altered behaviour?

GM1: this kind of presentation may be due to hypothyroidism

GM2:  could it be delirium?

GM3: Encephalitis/encephalopathy as a complication of COVID?

GM4: Suboptimal carbon dioxide washout maybe leading to somnolence..

And the deranged conversations maybe cause of her hospital stay? ..

Or electrolyte imbalance..

GM5: did she have any history of dementia prior to being diagnosed with COVID

GM6: could the virus directly affect leading to psychosis or indirectly due to overstimulation of the immune system?


Can it be a sign of deterioration 

Increased demand in the infection vs reduced thyroid harmones in the context of preexisting hypothyroidism

GM8: could it be due to Obstructive sleep Apnoea? As they can be at a risk of psychosis and hypoxic encephalopathy

GM9: it could be due to decreased oxygen supply to brain

GM9: Also CVA ( stroke)

GM10: An embolism or blood clot in brain, precipitated by infection? (She has history of CVA)

GM11:  it may be a hallucination?

GM12:  Neurotropic(coronavirus)?

GM13: Cytokine storm induced inflammation leading to delirium? (Since she isn't on tocilizumab/siltuximab )

GM14 : could it be schizophrenia from any immune mediated activation due to a profound inflammatory response from the Covid infection?

Moderator : please share some more details about her history of hypothyroidism with particular reference to drug dosage and control over the last few years

Moderator: Please share some literature around it

Moderator: Very interesting answer with three intriguing angles 

Suboptimal CO2 washout would be also known as hypoventilation. This brings up another learning question around covid pneumonia:

Why do covid patients often require ventilation? 

Is it due to hypoventilation or hypoxia? What are the causes of hypoventilation?

Moderator: Second point related to her hospital stay? Please elaborate 

Moderator: check out her electrolytes shared earlier above

Moderator: Share some literature (similar reports )to support your hypothesis

Moderator: Join the dots between your causal hypothesis and brain function

Moderator: Good point. What are the clinical criteria we can use to diagnose obstructive sleep apnoea in her?

Moderator: What is the most important clinical criteria to diagnose a stroke?

GM15: is it possible that she was dreaming about the man as the cctv evidence suggests of intermittent sleep and there can be REM sleep where most of the dreams seem to he so real.

 and also association with the fear and hysteria around she could be talking a bit irrelevant. Considering her age and possibly rural background toddy(impure or the synthetic one) withdrawal can also cause such symptoms.

GM16: Here is a cohort analysis of delirium and encephalopathy in severe covid 19 patients. 140 Covid ICU patients were included in the study. Neurological examination was normal in 22 patients. 118 patients developed delirium with a combination of acute attention, awareness, and cognition disturbances. 88 patients presented an unexpected state of agitation despite high infusion rates of sedative treatments and neuroleptics, and 89 patients had corticospinal tract signs.

Results and conclusion : "The delirium/neurological symptoms in COVID-19 patients were responsible for longer mechanical ventilation compared to the patients without delirium/neurological symptoms. Delirium/neurological symptoms could be secondary to systemic inflammatory reaction to SARS - Cov 2 "

[1:52 PM, 5/16/2021] Saranya: According to this study, 3 triggers may be responsible for the delirium seen in covid patients :

(1) hypoxia and oxygen deficiency of 

the brain

(2) neuronal inflammation due to cytokine storm as a result 

of a strong activation of the immune system

(3) direct CNS 

invasion and neuronal toxicity

Moderator : GM15 is right about that possibility as well as the other differentials shared here as past cases reported by others. 

We are currently keeping a provisional diagnosis of ICU psychosis and have put her on a low dose of antipsychotic. 

Today morning she looked much better and we are even planning to try out home oxygenation supported by oxygen concentrators and venti masks along with regular SpO2 monitoring and sharing with our group here. 

They are planning to keep her in a room in hotel  for a few days so that we can keep reviewing her in OPD once in a while. 

She's not out of the woods and may even worsen but we feel she may have a better emotionally supporting environment with home care. 

Let's see what happens to her over the next two days before we think of discharging from the ICU.

NOTE : Any further inputs,comments regarding the case are welcome.

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